Monday, March 5, 2007

Robotic Ball That will steal Your show too

I blog this here as it is based on laser, but really it also belongs to my LEDlightBlogSpot for ingenuity. I am talking about the Laserball of course. It will steal the show on your party too.

A lighthow and music rolled in one mean ball. Activated by sound or your touch.
It works with a gyrating innerds and laser pulses. Enough said.

You wan to read another review? Get it from redferret here.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

LEDs Light the Way for New Car Headlamp Designs

"LEDs have been used in automotive signal lighting applications for a number of years, but until recently it would have required too many emitters to produce sufficient illumination for forward lighting," said Jeff Raggio, automotive business development manager for Lumileds Lighting. "Our Luxeon technology makes LED-powered headlamps practical for the first time, and the presence of these headlamps in today's concept vehicles indicates that consumers will be driving cars with Luxeon headlights within a couple of years."

LEDs Light the Way for New Car Headlamp Designs

Monday, February 19, 2007

Place Robot or Space Robot

Space Robot or Place robot, you be the judge.
Rooms and houses will be the robots without distracting technology? No sundry robotic stuff laying about. Your room can see you and serve you. The concept is bleeding obvious, but quite hard to make it work. Not to mention it is a little silly.

Space Robot Knows Your Mood: Science Fiction in the News

More related:

Where robotics and modelling begin to meet

Is this where robotics and modelling finally meet? - the dynamic self model.


At first, this robotic starfish is quite "unaware" of its own shape. After flailing its arms for a while, however, the robot gets a dymic reflection of itself via sensors. After such "introspection" the robots gets a sense of its own design and begins to walk.

Then engineers remove a part of its leg. Now, the starfish robot re-senses it's own shape and detects a change in its structure. Reevaluates its own abilities and begins walking in a different way to compensate.

The demonstration is the first proof that a robot can generate a conception of itself and then adapt to damage, a handy skill to have in environments of uncertainty.

YouTube - robot generates a conception of itself

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Carbon nanotubes colonize water stuff faster

Another chapter on colonizing sea current to augment positive effects and mitigate negative effects. One big plus for the nano-bot idea.
Impossible? -- Amazing! Carbon nanotubes spread in water better when organic material [to feed on?] is present:

Jump to the links and be amazed at where research is heading:

Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Ultimate in Moto Design...

the ultimate in moto design - danile simonJust look at thouse intricate lovingly brushed details. WOW!
Pretty sure that I just have found the ultimate in moto design.
His name is Daniel Simon, of seemingly Japanese origins; AND the easily the Leonardo da Vinci of our century.

moto design extraordinaire - daniel simonAmazing graphics and amazing designs.
Just beginning to digest this immensely impressive work of imagination. Don't believe me...? Fine. Go check out this:


Will post pic soon, need to selet JUST one (not easy!)
So I selected more. Enjoy

These are some awesome designs.

I always thought car design will one day catch up with jet designs...

Super trucks are full of tricks...

You know I love design... and these are some awesome trucks.
Just start thinking the kind of truckies 'dismounting' these behemoths.

The Rolling Bird Concept Bike...

Now this other beaut is called the "rolling bird concept bike".
Just look at the wheels. Could be cheating your eye, but this concept of magnetic suspension to reduce friction and the number of moving parts - just keeps coming back.